Please join us for the next upcoming webinar “Walk Humbly with God.” This will be a panel discussion and dialogue with local and national leaders, taking place on Monday, September 27, 2021, 6pm-8pm (MDT).
This is the fourth webinar in a series of exploring the Pastoral Letter Against Racism, “Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love” by the U.S. Catholic Bishops. Panelists TBA.
This event is free. Pre-registration is required. You can click here to pre-register.
Please see the attached flyer for more information and share with others who may be interested!
Here is the full Pastoral Letter Webinar Series:
Part 1: “What is Racism?” November 30, 2020 with Deacon Art Miller. Click here to view. Part 2: “Do Justice.” February 22, 2021, 6pm-7:30pm (MST) with Ms. Donna Grimes. Click here to view.
Part 3: “Love Goodness: The Urgent Call of Love” (April 26, 2021) with Ms. Mary Leisring. Click here to view.
Part 4: “Walk Humbly with God” September 27, 2021 6pm-8pm (MDT) Panelists TBA.
Questions? Please contact the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Office of Social Justice and Respect Life at (505) 831-8205.
Thank you and we hope to “see” you there!
Open Wide Our Hearts
What is Racism?
Do Justice
The Urgent Call of Love